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Adding and editing an account

How to add a new account
  1. Open the Modify Prior Year Balances window. See Modify prior year balances.

  2. Click Add account. A blank row is added to the end of the table.

  3. Enter an Account Code, Account Name and amount into the blank row.

  4. Click OK.

    If the account code has been incorrectly entered, an error message is displayed informing you of an invalid account code format. Click OK, correct the error and click OK.

How to edit an existing account name
  1. Open the Modify Prior Year Balances window. See Modify prior year balances.
  2. Type a new account name in the specific cell in the Account Name column.
  3. Click OK.
Saving modifications
  1. Open the Modify Prior Year Balances window. See Modify prior year balances.
  2. Make the changes as required.
  3. Click OK.

This performs the following:

  • Creates any new accounts in the file.

  • Updates any modified descriptions in the file.

  • Saves all modified balances for the selected year.

It will not:

  • Update subsequent years. Balances must be manually modified for other years.

The modified balances are stored separately for use by Client Accounting only. The modified balances are not reflected in the underlying data file.

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