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Creating and viewing your client's AE/AO ledger

This feature is not enabled for all users. If this option isn’t available in the TASKS bar, please contact your client manager to enable this feature for your practice.

You can configure an AE/AO ledger as a client’s financial data source.

If you need help with this process, click Help me getting started in the Create Ledger window.

To create an AE/AO ledger for your client
  1. Open a client and go to the Client Accounting > Trial Balance (Workpapers) tab.
  2. On the TASKS bar, click Create new AE/AO Ledger.
  3. In the Create Ledger window, enter the ledger name for your client in the Ledger name field.
  4. Select the Chart template by clicking the Browse button [...] and searching for your ledger template file. The Client Accounting Templates folder appears by default.
  5. Confirm the Entity type and Chart type:

    If you have selected a...
    MYOB Standard Chartthe Entity Type and Chart Type fields will be automatically filled in
    Practice Chartif the CSV file name is different to the MYOB naming convention, you may need to fill out these fields manually
  6. Enter the Financial year end date. The opening balance date and financial start month are automatically calculated from the financial year end date.
  7. Review the values in System Account Mapping, and modify any values if required. The mapped Account code values displayed here vary depending on the entity and chart type. If you have selected an MYOB Standard Chart, the values displayed here are defined by MYOB. If any account codes in the System Account Mapping are also in the CSV file, the account codes are created as System Accounts.
  8. Click OK. The MYOB Ledger is configured. The ledger accounts are displayed in the Client Accounting > Trial Balance tab (called the Workpapers tab if you are licensed for Workpapers).
To create a Practice Chart

When creating a Practice Chart CSV template, maintain the file format, structure, and column order. Headers should always be in the first row of the CSV file.
When reviewing the CSV file, we recommend opening the file using Notepad or similar text editing software. Opening CSV files in Excel may result in trailing zeros being removed from Account codes with decimal places.
Ensure System accounts specified in the table are in the practice chart so that the appropriate account type group is set. This can also be set manually using Manage Accounts—see Managing accounts   .

  1. A chart template (Chart_Template.csv) can be found in Deploy/Client Accounting Templates/MYOB Standard Templates. Open this template in Excel.

  2. In the template, fill in the following values:

    Column name



    If this value is not present, the record is ignored when creating charts.


    Name of the account code. This field is optional. If this field is left blank, the value “*** unknown account ***” is used.


    Defines the type of Account. Valid values are:

    • Income

    • Other Income

    • Liabilities

    • Equity

    • Expense

    • Other Expense

    • Assets

    • Cost of Sales

    • Uncategorised.

    If the value is not valid or no value is entered, the default value of “Uncategorised” is used.


    If the account code is a control group, enter Yes as the value. For child accounts, enter the account code value associated with the control group to link them with the account type group/control account. This field is optional.


    Contains the tax code. The valid code values (and their definitions) are:

    • NA (No tax implied)

    • (Australia) CAP (Capital acquisitions)

    • (Australia) EXP (Export sales)

    • (Australia) FRE (GST free)

    • GST (Goods & Services Tax)

    • (New Zealand) E (Exempt)

    • (Australia) GNR (Not registered)

    • (Australia) INP (Input taxed purchases)

    • (Australia) ITS (Input taxed sales)

    • NTR (Not reportable)

    • (New Zealand) Z (Zero rate)

    • (New Zealand) I (GST on imported supplies)

    If no value is entered, the default value of NA is used.

  3. Save the CSV file using the following naming convention:

    • MAS_<entity type> for MAS chart types

    • (Australia) ACCOUNTS_<entity type> for Accounts chart types

    • AOGL_<entity type>for AOGL chart types

    where <entity type> is Individual, Partnership, or Company.

    You may choose to follow a different naming convention. However, you will be required to manually enter the entity type and chart type when creating a new AE ledger.

To view your client's ledger
  1. Open the client’s Client Accounting > Trial Balance tab (called the Workpapers tab if you are licensed for Workpapers).
  2. Click View AE Ledgers/View AO Ledgers on the TASKS bar.
    The Select Company File window opens listing all the active (in bold) and suspended (greyed out) Essentials Accounting, Cashbook and/or Ledger files.
    By default, if the client code of the ledger corresponds to the client code of MYOB AE/AO, then the ledger file is selected. If there is no ledger displaying with the same client code, then the most recently created ledger file is selected. You can also select any other ledger file if required.
  3. Click Select file to view the ledger.
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