You can add, remove and rearrange columns on the Assets Listing page. Once you have customised your Assets Listing page, the customisations will be retained for future use.
To add columns to the Assets Listing page Open the Assets Listing page. See Opening an asset year . Select Field Chooser from the right-click menu. A list of field chooser options are displayed. Select one of the list of field chooser options. Drag the selected option to the required location on the column heading row. To remove columns from the Assets Listing page Open the Assets Listing page. See Opening an asset year . Select Field Chooser from the right-click menu. A list of field chooser options are displayed. Select a column heading on the Assets Listing page that is no longer required. Drag the selected column heading to the Field Chooser menu or away from the table. To rearrange columns on the Assets Listing page Open the Assets Listing page.
Drag and drop selected column headings where required within the column heading row.