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Notifying ASIC of corporate changes of address

Corporate Compliance and Corporate Admin will be retired on 15 April 2024.
You won't be able to use either software after 15 April 2024. Learn what this means for you

All Australian companies must have a Registered Office address. This must be a street address (not a PO Box) and may be a different address from the Business address (principal place of business).

A change to the Business or Registered addresses must be advised to ASIC within 28 days.

If Corporate Compliance is integrated with AE/AO, change the Registered address for the corporation within AE/AO. This will update the address for all officers, companies and members that shared the same address. A task or is then automatically created in Corporation Compliance prompting you to produce the required forms to be lodged with ASIC.

If you're changing the address for multiple managed corporations, an individual form for each corporation must be generated, prepared and lodged individually.

For example, if you have clients using the practice address as the Registered Address of their business and you have relocated offices, you'll need to advise asic you're changing the address for 10 corporations from the practice address to the new address, you'll need to produce 10 separate forms – one for each managed corporation.

To notify change of address for corporations
  1. From within Corporate Compliance, click Corporations on the tasks bar and select the corporation you wish to change the address for.
  2. With the company selected, click Notify change of address on the tasks bar. The Change for Corporation Address wizard appears.
  3. Select the checkbox(es) for the type of change required:
    •  Notify change of business address

    •  Notify change of registered address

    •  Notify change of registered office hours.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter the Date of change. If the address does not meet Postal Address File (PAF) rules and you're certain the address is correct and in the correct format, select the checkbox Address does not meet Postal Address File rules.

  6. Click Next. A list of managed corporations that share the changed address displays. A form will be generated for each company listed.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the documents you wish to produce.
    •  ASIC form 484 - Notify changes to address details - Australian Companies

    •  ASIC form 489 - Notify changes to address details or office hours - Registered bodies

    • ASIC form 490 - Notify changes to address details of directors - Registered bodies
    • Minutes of directors meeting to resolve change or registered address.
      Documents that aren't relevant to the options selected at step 3 are also listed, but can't be selected.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Ensure the checkbox in the Create ASIC form or document? column for each applicable company is selected, then click Next.

  11. Ensure the Signatory details and date of signing for each company is correct. If you need to change the signatory details or select the In response to company statement checkbox, highlight the company and click Change details.

  12. Click Next. The Change of Corporation Address window is displayed.

  13. (If applicable) Fill out the meeting details and click Next.

  14. Select the documents you want to preview and click Finish. The Forms Completion Report appears.

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