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Person detailed report

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The Person Detailed report lists current positions that a person holds, including the company, position and date of appointment.

It also lists all share transactions if the number held is greater than zero and the selected person is the primary holder.

If the transaction is an allotment, the date acquired is the date of issue. If the transaction is a transfer, the date acquired is the date of transfer.

To print/preview the Person Detailed report
  1. Select ReportsPeople > Detailed Report from the main menu. The Find a Person screen opens.
  2. If necessary, find the person by searching or sorting. When found, double-click the name to display it in the Find a Person screen.
  3. Click OK. The Person Detailed report displays the name, code, date of birth, place of birth, home address, postal address, positions held and shares held.
  4. Click Close to exit the report and return to the main window.
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