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Checking in documents

Check In updates Document Manager with the document changes once editing has been completed. When you check in the document, it can be checked into Document Manager as the same document that you checked out or as a different version or as an entirely new document.

For an open Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook document you can also check in the document by clicking the Check In button on the application tool bar. When you close the document in Microsoft Word or Excel, it is automatically checked in.

The available Document Check In options are:

  • Create a new version — The document will be added to Document Manager as a new version of the original document.

  • Create a new document — The document will be added to Document Manager as a new document.

  • Replace original document — The original document in Document Manager will be replaced with the copy being checked in.

  • Keep document checked out — A copy of the latest version of the document will be added to Document Manager but the original document will remain checked out. This option is enabled only when the Replace original document option is selected.

  • Delete local document file after check in — The local copy of the document will be deleted after checking it in to Document Manager.

To check in a document
  1. On the Analyse Documents page, Find Documents page, My Checked Out Documents page or a Documents tab, select the document(s) to be checked in. In AE, you can also select from the My Checked Out Documents page or homepage.

  2. Click Check In on the Tasks bar.
    Select Check In from the right-click menu. The Check In window opens with the full path of the checked out document.

    The red tick beside the reference number indicates that the document is checked out by the current user. The person icon to the left of the reference number indicates that the document is checked out by another user. You can only check in documents that are checked out by you.

  3. Select the appropriate Check In options.

  4. If you have selected multiple documents, the window will show you how many documents you're checking in at once.
  5. Click OK. If you have chosen the option to Create a New Document, the Create Document Wizard opens (see Creating new documents).

If some documents still remain checked out, it means that something went wrong during the check in process. Try checking in these documents individually to determine the issue.

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