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Sending documents to your client with notification

Easily send documents from your desktop to the cloud so that your client can view and download or print the documents. For instance, send your client their financial statements, invoices, tax returns.

You can send documents to your client, if you have set up a portal to your client. See Create your client portals for details.

All clients that have been included as part of the portal will be able to view documents that you publish to the portal. Any included contributors will only see what you allow them to.

If you have any sensitive documents that you want to send to a specific user of the client portal, create a task and attach the document to that task.

You can choose to publish documents to your collaborative portal and notify all or a select few members of the client portal that you have done so.

Your selected portal users will only be notified with 1 email no matter how many documents you select to publish to the portal.

To send and notify your clients that you have published documents to their portal
  1. Open MYOB AE/AO on your desktop.

  2. Select one or more documents to publish to your client portal. See Selecting documents to publish to your portal.

    1. If you’ve already created your client portal, then the Publish to Client Portal Name Portal page in MYOB AE/AO Live displays.

    2. If you haven’t created a portal for your client, you’ll be prompted to select whether to:

      • create one for your client, or
        You’ll be directed to the Create Portal page to create your client portal.

      • add them to an existing portal.
        You’ll then be prompted to select the portal to which you wish to add your client to and click Add. After confirming the addition to the selected portal, you can edit your client portal.
        The client you’ve just added will be identified with a

        symbol. All existing full access users of the client portal will be able to see the new client’s documents.
        The Publish to Client Portal Name portal page in MYOB AE/AO Live opens where Client Portal Name is the name of the client portal that you are publishing documents to. The client name is listed directly below the page heading. The documents you selected to publish from your desktop product are listed within a table.

  3. For each document:

    1. classify it into an appropriate category in the Tag column.

    2. (Optional) Select the appropriate tag from the drop-down. Selecting a tag for your document is like filing it in a specific folder, making it easier for you to search for it later.
    3. select the appropriate Year option for your document from the drop-down. You must select a Year option.
    4. order it in the list, as required. Click
       in front of the document you wish to reorder. Drag it to the position in the list where you want it to be positioned.
      As you’re just sending documents to your client with notification, ignore the Signature required column for now. See Getting your client’s digital approval on a document for more details.
  4. Select the Send an email notification option at the bottom of the table. More options will display in the Notify by email section on the page.
  5. Select the full access users you wish to notify when the documents are published.
    Only those full access users who are already part of the collaborative portal are listed for selection.
    Select the checkbox next to the name of the full access user to select them.
  6. Click Add other contributors, if required.
    Select a contributor who is already part of the client portal, by clicking the checkbox next to their name, so that they can view the documents you’re publishing to the portal.
    If you wish to add another contributor who is currently not part of this portal but is one of your clients, click + Add contributor and enter their name.
    You can also add a new contributor, click + Create new user. See Create new users for more information.
  7. Enter a Subject for the email notification. This forms the subject of the email that will be sent to your clients. This field is mandatory. If you would like to change the default subject, delete the existing text and enter your own. Enter a subject that is informative for both you and your clients.

  8. (Optional) Type a Message. This forms the body of your email to your clients giving them more details concerning the documents you’ve published to their portal. The Message text box contains a simple rich text editor enabling you to format the email message to your clients. For example, you are able to enter a new line of text, bold text and retain all the formatting.

  9. Click Publish.
    A message will be displayed across the top of the page that the documents have been published successfully.
    On your portal:

    • The documents will be listed on the Documents > Sent page of your portal.

    • The documents will be listed on the Documents > Received page of your client’s portal.

    On your desktop MYOB AE/AO:
    • Once the current latest version of the document has been published to the portal, an
       icon is placed next to the document on your Clients > Documents tab and the Versioning page of Document Manager (if used).
    • An
       icon is placed next to a document on the Clients > Documents tab, where an earlier version of the same document has been published to the client portal.
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