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Opening an item

When an item is opened, a document or spreadsheet, etc, the system will launch the application in which it was originally created. If the item is a web link, the system will launch your browser to access the web address.

To open an item
  1. Select the category that contains the relevant item.

  2. Click the title of the item which displays as an hyperlink in the Item View.

  3. Select Open Document from the right-click menu. MYOB Intranet launches the application in which the item was originally created and opens the selected item. The item is opened as 'Read Only' so that the original file is not overwritten.

Read only items

An item will normally open as Read Only so that the original file cannot be overwritten.

To make changes to a Read Only item, a new version of that item must be created using the versioning feature in Administration.

Editable items

If an item is editable, changes can be made to the item. When the item is saved, the original item is updated in the current location in MYOB Intranet. The master version of the item is saved.

If the Save As function is used on an editable item, the item is saved as a new file and the master version is not updated in MYOB Intranet.

To opening a web link

Web Links are links to common web sites used by your business. In your MYOB Intranet, there may be a specific category set up in the left-hand menu for web links. There may also be web links added to another category.

To open a Web Link either:

  • Click the title of the item in the view.

  • Select the web link and then choose Open Document from the right-click menu.

The system launches your browser to access the web address.

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