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Add an assignment to a client

Accountants Enterprise only

After creating a new client, you're prompted to add an assignment. You can add one at the client creation stage or later on.

When adding an assignment, a schedule or a job may be added automatically to manage workflow in the practice.

The rules for deciding whether to add a schedule or job to an assignment are if:

  • an assignment template has a schedule set up, a schedule is added to the assignment at the same time, using the schedule template details

  • the assignment template doesn't have a schedule set up, a job is added to the assignment.

Adding an assignment to a client is a two step process:

Step 1 — Add assignments and jobs to a client
  1. In AE, on the toolbar, click Contacts. The Find Clients tab opens.
  2. In Search for, type the client code or name and click Search. The client's Main tab opens.
  3. Click the Assignment tab. The Assignment tab opens.
  4. In the first row of the assignments table, click Click here to add a new job. Step 1 of the Add Assignment window opens.
    You'll see a list of standard assignment templates created in the system.

    Job contains the default name for the job. To add an assignment without a job, select None from the Job drop-down. Select the checkbox alongside each template you want to include. You must selected None before selecting the assignment template otherwise a job will be created.

    Job names must be unique. You'll see an error message if the job name isn't unique. Edit the job name and year to include a description if required, for example, 2019BASQ1 (Australia) or 2019GSTQ1 (New Zealand).

  5. Select the checkbox alongside the relevant assignment template(s) from the list in the table. New tabs are added for each selected template.These tabs contain basic information that needs to be captured for each job added to the client.

  6. Click Next to go to the Job/Schedule Details tab.
Step 2 — Complete the job details
  1. Enter the required details as shown in the table below:

    Job details
    AJobIt defaults to the current year but you can select a different year from the drop-down or you can edit the job name. This is a mandatory field.
    BAssigned ToSelect the employee assigned to the job if known. Click the ellipsis (...) to open the Find Employees window. Find and select the relevant employee; otherwise, add this later.
    CBudgetEnter a dollar value if known. You can add this later.
    DTargetEnter the expected completion date for the job. By default this field is blank. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.

    Enter any supporting information about the job in the Notes section.

    Assignment responsibility

    Update this section only if this is the first assignment and job added to the client and is required.

    The Assignment Responsibility data transfers from the assignment template, if set up. If not set up, the information transfers from the client responsibility team.

    When a client has existing assignments, any changes made under the Assignment Responsibility section on a new job won't save. This area becomes an information only section.

    FPartnerSelect the assignment partner. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    GManagerSelect the Assignment Manager. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    HCompanySelect the Assignment Company. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    ICentreSelect the Assignment Centre. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    JDeptSelect the Assignment Department. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    KOfficeSelect the Assignment Office. Click the ellipsis (...) to select the required data.
    LNominalAccept the default nominal code.
  2. Click Next or select the next available tab.
  3. Click Finish when you're satisfied with the information supplied. The Assignment tab displays the new assignments and the jobs attached to them.
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