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Aliases are other names that your contacts may be known by, such as a business name or trading name. The Main tabs on the Contact, Client, Employee, (AE) Supplier and (AE) Assignment Details pages have an area where aliases can be defined. Aliases can also be used as search criteria. Only the alias Name can be deleted and not the alias Type.

To add an alias
  1. Click the Main tab of the entity you want to create an alias for.
  2. Click the Aliases Type field to activate a drop-down arrow.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow. A list of alias types is displayed.
  4. Select an alias Type from the drop-down.
  5. Click the Name field and enter the alias.
  6. Press [Enter] to save the alias.

The newly-added alias moves to the next row and a blank row is created at the top for you to enter further aliases. The Aliases Type drop-down updates to exclude the type already selected.

(Practice Manager) There must be an available alias type for an alias to be added to the record. Alias types are set up in Maintenance > Client/Supplier > Alias Type.

To edit an alias
  1. Open the Main tab of the entity you want to create an alias for.

  2. If you want to change the alias Type:

    1. Click the Aliases Type to activate a drop-down arrow in the field.
    2. Click the drop-down arrow and select a new Type from the list.
  3. If you want to change the alias Name:

    1. Click the alias Name to highlight it.
    2. Overtype the current entry to change it.
To delete an alias
  1. Open the Main tab of the entity for which an alias will be deleted.
  2. Select the row containing the alias you want to delete.
    to highlight the entire row.
  3. Press [Delete]. The Confirm delete alias window opens for you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click Yes. The alias is deleted.

Only the alias Name is deleted, not the alias Type.

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