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Allocating unallocated payments

Accountants Enterprise only

To allocate an unallocated payment
  1. Select BookkeepingCreditors > Creditors Payment on the main menu. The Payments window opens.

  2. Select the Ledger option. The Payments window changes to the Ledger window.

  3. Select the Company from the drop-down.

  4. Select an Account from the drop-down.

  5. Select a payment method from the Source drop-down.

  6. Enter the Supplier Code or the Supplier Name, then press [Enter]. When one is entered correctly, the other displays automatically. The supplier details are displayed with a list of the outstanding invoices and unallocated cash. The unallocated cash is displayed in the Cash column.

  7. Enter the Date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.

  8. Press [Ctrl] and select the invoice and the unallocated cash.

  9. Click Allocate. If the invoice amount and the unallocated amount are identical, they both disappear from the Ledger window.

    To view all the fully allocated invoices, click the Show Zero checkbox. All the fully allocated invoices, including the one just allocated, are listed. Deselect the checkbox to return to the list of unallocated invoices.

  10. Click Close.

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