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Cash book payments

Accountants Enterprise only

The Cash Book Payment window is used to record payments made by the practice that are not allocated against clients or assignments. For example, office petty cash payments, which are not entered in the purchase ledger, but still have to be reconciled.

To raise a cash book payment
  1. Select BookkeepingGL Cash Posting > Cash Book Payments on the main menu. The Cash Book Payment page opens.
  2. Select the Company for which the payment is being made.
  3. Select the Bank account from the drop-down.

  4. Select the payment Source.

  5. Enter a unique reference Number.

  6. Enter an expense Description.

  7. Enter the Amount.

  8. Enter the net amount of the payment in the Net column.

  9. Select the Tax Rate from the drop-down. The Tax and Gross fields are populated with the relevant amounts.

  10. Click the Nominal column and select the expense account.
  11. Click the expense line. The Choose Dimension window opens, if Dimensions have been set up.
  12. Select the relevant dimension from the Dimension Name column, if required.
  13. Click OK. The Allocate Disbursements window opens.
  14. Click Allocate. The Disbursement Allocation window opens.

  15. Select the assignment and Task against which the expense will be charged from the respective drop-downs.

  16. If only a part of the expense amount is to be allocated to this assignment/task, the relevant amount may be entered in the Amount to Allocate field. The amount in the Left to Allocate field may then be allocated to additional assignments as required.

  17. Click Post. The Payment Created window opens.
  18. Click OK. The Cash Book Receipt window closes.
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