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Closing an assignment

Practice Manager Accountants Enterprise only

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM) you may need to close an assignment. 

To do this you need to make sure any outstanding WIP entries are fully billed or written off.  You can then open the assignment and on the Main tab change the Assignment Status to Closed.

How to close an assignment
  1. In AE, Click Contacts. The Find Clients screen appears.
  2. In the Search For field, type the client name or code and click Search. The client record appears.
  3. Double-click the client name to open the record. The client tab appears.
  4. Click the Assignments tab. The Assignments tab opens.
  5. Highlight the relevant assignment and click on the Name hyperlink to open the record. The Main tab opens.
  6. From the Assignment Status drop-down, select Closed. 

    If no further time is to be entered against the assignment but it can't be closed because it has an unbilled WIP balance, change the status to Held at step 3.
  7. Click OK. The changes are saved.




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