This procedure describes how to make a one-off manual payment to a supplier rather than as part of the regular payment run. It is useful when an invoice must be paid immediately.
To enter a manual payment
Select Bookkeeping > Creditors > Creditors Payment on the main menu. The Payments window is displayed.
Select the Ledger option. The Payments window changes to theLedger window.
Select the Company from the drop-down.
Select an Account from the drop-down.
Select a payment method from the Source drop-down.
Enter the Supplier Code or the Supplier Name, then press [Enter].
When one is entered correctly, the other displays automatically. A list of all outstanding invoices for the selected supplier is displayed.
Enter the Date. Enter the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select it from the drop-down calendar.
Enter the cheque Number.
Enter a brief Description of the payment.
Enter the Amount.
If you want to pay the supplier only part of the invoice amount, enter the amount you want to pay in the Amount field.
Select the invoice to be paid in the Number column. The Allocation window opens, with no amounts displayed in the Amount fields.
Click Allocate to allocate the relevant amount. The Allocate column in theLedger window will show the amount entered as being allocated against the respective invoice.
Click Post to post the transaction. A message alerts you that posting these details will commit these transactions permanently.
Click Yes to post the transaction. If the default payment source for the supplier is Cheque or if Cheque is selected from the drop-down, the Cheques ready to print window opens.
Select the cheque to be generated.
Click Print Preview (or Print). Microsoft Word is launched with the relevant cheque displayed.
Once you have viewed the cheque details close Microsoft Word. The Cheques ready to print window is displayed.Click the Printed checkbox. This will indicate that the selected cheque has been printed.
Click Close. The Cheques ready to print window closes. The invoice originally selected for payment will disappear from the Ledger window.
Click Close.The Ledger window closes.
You can also use the Payment Run facility to prepare/print multiple cheques (see Creditors payment run).
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