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Entering unallocated employee payments

Accountants Enterprise only

An unallocated payment is money paid by the practice to an employee who does not yet have an invoice against which to match the payment. For example, when cash is deposited in advance of the services being billed.

Once the prepayment has been entered, it is posted to update the employee’s ledger. There is no matching at this stage because the invoice has not yet been received. When the invoice is received, entered and posted, the unallocated payment can then be matched.

To enter unallocated payments
  1. Select Bookkeeping > Employee Ledger from the main menu. The Employee Expense Payments window opens.
  2. Select Bookkeeping > Employee Ledger from the main menu. The Employee Expense Payments window opens.
  3. Select a Company from the drop-down. The system uses the Account field to display the account from which the payment is drawn. Account details are maintained in Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes.

  4. Select a bank Account from the drop-down.

  5. Select the payment method from the Source drop-down.

  6. Enter the Employee Code or Employee Name. The employee details and a list of all outstanding invoices are displayed. When the employee’s name is entered, the Employee Code is displayed automatically.

  7. Enter the Date of the payment in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
  8. Enter the payment Number. This could be the cheque number or a reference number.
  9. Enter the payment Description, if required.

  10. Enter the Amount for the current payment.

  11. If the payment is being made by cheque, select the template to be used from the Style drop-down.

  12. Click Post. The Tax on Unallocated Cash window opens.

  13. Select a Tax Rate from the drop-down to apply to the unallocated cash.

  14. Click OK. The Posting confirmation message is displayed.
  15. Click Yes to proceed with the posting of the unallocated cash or No to cancel the posting and return to the Employee Expense Payments window. The unallocated receipt is displayed in the Employee Expense Payments window.
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