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Exporting transactions to MYOB Premier

Accountants Enterprise only

The export creates three separate export files:

  • one for bills

  • one for receipts

  • one for adjustments.

The files are exported to a holding folder configured externally to this application and Premier. The transactions are imported into Premier from this folder.

Before you can export files, the application must be configured to enable the export to take place. Additionally, a folder needs to be configured outside of Practice Manager to hold the exported transactions. Contact MYOB Support for help in configuring your system and folder.

To export transactions for use with MYOB Premier
  1. Select BookkeepingExport > Premier on the main menu. The Export window opens.

  2. Click the ellipse button in the Company field. The Find Companies window opens.

  3. Click Search.

  4. From the list, select the company you want to export transactions.

  5. Click OK. The Export window opens displaying the name of the selected company.

  6. Click the ellipse button in the Export Folder field. The Browse For Folder window opens.

  7. Browse to the location of your Practice Manager Export Folder.

  8. Click Make New Folder.
  9. Right-click the New Folder and rename it with today’s date to identify when the file is being exported. For example, use the date naming convention of 20170903 to identify ‘3 September 2017’.

  10. Select the From and To dates of the period you want to export from the drop-down calendars.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Yes. The data is exported to the export folder that was created.

To re-export transactions to MYOB Premier

 You may need to re-export a batch of exported transactions from AE Practice Manager.

You can only repeat an export by ID number and you cannot alter the content of the batch.

  1. Select BookkeepingExport > Premier on the main menu. The Export window opens.

  2. Click Show History
    . The Export History window opens.
  3. Select the ID number related to the transactions you want to re-export.
  4. Click Regenerate Export
  5. Click Yes to confirm the re-export. The Browse Folder window opens.
  6. Browse to the Practice Manager Export Folder.
  7. Click Make New Folder.
  8. Right-click the New Folder and rename it with today’s date to identify when the file is being exported. For example, use the date naming convention of 20170903 to identify ‘3 September 2017’.

  9. Click OK.
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