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Generating cheque payment runs for suppliers

Accountants Enterprise only

A payment term with specified From and To dates can be used to generate a cheque payment run for multiple supplier invoices. A range of filters can also be applied to facilitate the payment process including: company, office, partner or department.

Ensure that the Supplier page > Defaults tab Payment Type option is set to Cheque. Otherwise no cheque transactions will be available for payment.

To generate a cheque payment run for a supplier
  1. Select BookkeepingCreditors > Creditors Payment Run on the main menu. The Create Payment List window opens.
  2. Select Cheque from the Select Payment Type.

  3. Select a Payment Date option.

    • Enter the Due Date, if you choose Select by Due Date.

    • Enter the Date From and Date To, if you choose Select by Invoice Date. The date must be entered in the format dd/mm/yyyy.

  4. Click the Supplier/Employee Code checkbox to filter by Supplier/Employee Code or Name.
    Deselect the checkbox to filter by any combination of Company, Office, Partner, Supplier or Employee, Department, Balance From, Balance To.

  5. Select your criteria from the relevant drop-downs or by entering amounts.

  6. Click Next. The Payments To Print window opens.

  7. Select the Company from the drop-down. The invoices for the selected company are displayed.

  8. Select the bank Account from the drop-down.

  9. Enter the Cheque Number for the payment run.

  10. Select the invoices to be paid by pressing [Ctrl] and clicking the invoices.

  11. Click Report to generate a report of all transactions included in the payment run. The Save As window opens.

  12. Navigate to the location you want to save the file in, enter an appropriate name and click Save.

    The cheque Run button remains inactive until the Transactions Report is produced.

  13. Click Run. A message is displayed cautioning you that posting these transaction will commit them permanently and if you would like to continue.

  14. Click Yes. To post the transactions and close the message window. Payments are posted against the relevant invoices.

  15. Click Remittance. To view the remittance advice. The advice is displayed in a Microsoft Word document.

  16. Click Close. The Payments To Print window closes.

  17. Click Close. The Create Payment List window closes.

Cheques are sent to your default printer and remittance advices produce a Microsoft Word document that you can print. If you have a combined remittance advice and cheque, you have the choice of selecting either cheque letters or remittance letters if you want a Microsoft Word document created. You do not need to choose both, unless you have cheques that are separate from the remittance advice.
All selected suppliers must have a bank address attached if a cheque payment run is to be used.

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