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Importing BankLink disbursements into AO Practice Manager

MYOB BankLink has been shut down 

To continue receiving bank feeds, move to an MYOB Business solution. Find out how to move. 

If you’ve given a client access to their file so they can download historical data, they need to install MYOB BankLink Books (available from the MYOB product downloads page). 

Accountants Office with Practice Manager only

In MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Practice Manager, you have the ability to import BankLink disbursements.

First, you’ll need to export the data from BankLink into a .txt file. This file is then imported into Practice Manager. Data from BankLink is exported in .txt format.

To export data from BankLink
  1. In BankLink, go to Practice Details.

  2. Go to the Practice Management System tab.

  3. Using the System Used drop down, select MYOB AE Practice Manager and click OK.

    Do not select MYOB Accountants Office as this is the export for clients using MYOB AO Classic.

  4. To export the entries, click SystemCharges > Export Charges. The Export Charges to MYOB AE Practice Manager window appears.

    In earlier versions of Banklink MYOB AE Practice Manager is referred to as MYOB Viztopia.

    You need to make sure that each client displayed here has a valid Assignment Code and Disbursement Code Type. This information need only be entered once as it is saved for future exports.

  5. The Assignment Code can be entered in 2 ways:

    • to the "None" job attached to the client

    • to a specific job name, for example TAX/2013.

      Firstly, copy the File code into the Assignment Code column and add /[None], or / and the job type code and job name. For example:


      • TESTCLIENT - client code

      • [None] - will post the disbursement to the None job on the client

      • TAX/2013 - will post the disbursement to the job name on the client/job type.

  6. To enter the Disbursement Code Type, copy it from the Cost Code column.

    Each time the export is run you need to enter the Assignment Code and Disbursement Code Type for any new clients added since the last export. To make this process easier, sort the client list by the Assignment Code column so that clients where this field is blank are at the top of the list.

  7. Follow the steps on importing this file into Practice Manager.
To import into AO Practice Manager
  1. In AO Practice Manager select Timesheet icon drop down > Import > Disbursement. The Import Disbursements screen appears.
  2. In the File Name field, click the ellipsis [] button. The Open screen appears.
  3. Select the Import.txt file to be imported. The file displays in the File Name field.
  4. In the Employee field, click the ellipsis [] button. The Find Employee screen appears.
  5. Type the employee name or code in the Search for field and click Search. The search results display.
  6. Highlight the relevant employee and press ENTER. The employee's name appears in the Employee field.
  7. Press TAB. The list of Time Processing Categories appears.
  8. Highlight the date for the disbursement import entry and click Import. A message Your file was imported successfully. View log file? appears.
  9. Click Yes to view or Close to exit.

    Once the disbursements import and the disbursement sheet opens, you can amend and add the year if required and then click Save to post the entries.
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