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Manual employee payments

Accountants Enterprise only

You can manually process payments to employees using Bookkeeping > Employee Ledger.

To make a manual employee payment
  1. Select Bookkeeping > Employee Ledger on the main menu. The Employee Expense Payments window opens.

  2. Select a Company from the drop-down. The system uses the Account field to display the account from which the payment is drawn. Account details are maintained in Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes.

  3. Select a bank Account from the drop-down.

  4. Select the payment method from the Source drop-down.

  5. Enter the Employee Code or Employee Name. The employee details and a list of all outstanding invoices is displayed. When the employee’s name is entered, the Employee Code is displayed automatically.

  6. Enter the payment Number, if required.

  7. Enter the Description, if required.

  8. Enter the allocated Amount.

  9. Click the invoice to be paid. The Allocation window opens, which enables you to allocate the appropriate amounts to the invoice.

  10. Enter the full outstanding amount of the invoice in the Allocation field.

  11. Click Allocate. The Allocate column in the Employee Expense Payments window will show the amount entered as being allocated.

  12. Click Post. The Posting confirmation window opens.

  13. Click OK. The Create Payment window confirms that the payment was successfully created.

  14. Click OK. The Cheques ready to print window opens if you selected Cheque from the payment Source drop-down.

    1. Select the cheque you want to print.

    2. Click the print icon.

Alternatively, print multiple cheques in batches. See Creditors payment run.

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