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Misc/Est tab

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

The Misc/Est tab is only available on the Assignment Details page.

The Misc/Est tab contains information to review or create miscellaneous charges and estimates for a client’s assignment.

A miscellaneous charge is a cost that you want to pass on to the client that cannot be entered onto a timesheet or recorded as a disbursement. It is often a fixed amount charge that you have been billed for on a client’s behalf. They can also be used for entering opening WIP balances in the ledger.

There are two ways of applying a miscellaneous charge:

  • The Misc/Est tab is used if you want to use a miscellaneous charge to increase the amount of WIP held against the client’s assignment. Miscellaneous charges show on reports but do not increase the amount recorded for time or disbursements. You bill the charge as you would any other WIP amount.

  • The Bill tab is used to increase the billable amount for a client without affecting their WIP total.

An estimate is added at the time of billing from the Bill tab and reviewed via the Misc/Est tab. The estimate is used to raise a bill for client work that has not yet been entered as WIP and puts a credit against the total WIP amount. There is no write-off/on required. Like a miscellaneous charge, you can apply an estimate against any client assignment, regardless of whether it has any billable WIP against it.

Miscellaneous charges can also be raised using the Bill Amounts window. This method is used if you want to increase the billable amount without affecting the WIP total. Estimates to complete are used to raise an invoice for client work that has not been entered as WIP. They are also know as interim fees. An estimate is added at the time of billing from the Bill Amounts window and cannot be entered using the Misc/Est tab.

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