You can customise the information listed in display tables by sorting, grouping, filtering and removing and adding different columns of data according to your requirements.
To sort by a column heading
Click a column heading to sort the list by that column in ascending order based on the values in that column.
Click the column heading again to sort the list by that column in descending order.
[Ctrl + click] on the column heading to remove the sort from that column.
To group by a column heading
Drag the column heading to the Group bar. This will group the items in the list by the heading(s) you have selected. For example, you can view the clients by partner or contact type rather than by code. When you drag the required group heading to the Group bar, the list will be updated to reflect your selection. You can add another group heading either before or after those already selected to further group the items. To view all items, remove all the grouping options from the Groupbar.
To filter columns
Click on a column in the Filter bar. The Filter bar is identified by the in the left most column.
Use the drop-down to select from the list of values in the column. The list will now only show entries that match the value selected in the filter. You can use wildcards when entering filters:
To find all entries in the column beginning with D, enter d* in the filter.
To find all entries in the column containing the characters FAMILY, enter *family* in the filter.
To find all entries ending in D, enter *d in the filter.
Click to remove the filter.
To remove select records from view
Click the checkbox next to the record you want to remove from view.
You can quickly select all entries by clicking on the checkbox in the column headings.
Click Remove ticked on the Tasks bar. The contacts are removed from the list.
Click Refresh on the Tasks bar.
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