As a part of the payment process, payments should be matched against an invoice. At times, however, an allocation may need to be changed or corrected. You can reallocate a payment if the payment and the two invoices involved are for the same employee and they are in the same open tax period.
To reallocate a payment against an employee invoice
Select Bookkeeping > Employee Ledger from the main menu. The Employee Expense Payments window opens.
Click the Ledger option. The Ledger window opens.
Select a Company from the drop-down. The system uses the Account field to display the account from which the payment is drawn. Account details are maintained in Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes
Enter the Employee Code or Employee Name. The employee details and a list of all outstanding invoices is displayed. When the employee’s name is entered, the Employee Code is displayed automatically.
Click the Show Zero checkbox. All transactions for the employee are listed, with invoices at the top and payments below.
Click the invoice with the incorrect payment allocated to it and press [F2]. The invoice is displayed with the associated cheque payment.
Press [F2] again to restore the earlier view.
Press [Ctrl] and select the invoice to which the allocation should be made. Both the incorrect payment (selected in the previous step) and the new invoice are highlighted.
Click Reallocate. The correct invoice is paid and the incorrect invoice is now unpaid.
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