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Removing associations

The Associated tab is used to view, create and maintain links with contacts in your database. You can also remove a relationship to a contact if it is no longer valid for the selected client, contact or (AE) supplier.

When you delete a relationship — and it is the only relationship attached to the associate — the relationship and the associate is removed from the list.

If there are multiple relationships attached to one associate, only the selected relationship is deleted. You need to delete each relationship individually to remove the associate from the list completely.

To remove an association from a client, contact or (AE) supplier record
  1. Find and open the client, contact or (AE) supplier.
  2. Click the Associated tab.
  3. Select the association to be deleted.
  4. Click Delete on the Tasks bar. A Confirm Delete message is displayed.
  5. Click Yes.The association is removed.

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