In Practice Manager you may need to enter a GST free task code for a Disbursement entry. This could be to record the non-taxable/gst free portion when purchasing a new company.
The steps below describe how to set up a Disbursement GST free task code.
To set up another type for example, Time, Misc Charge or Est To Complete, follow the details below, setting up the new code under the appropriate Code Type.
Click the crosshair [+] for Disbursement. A list of codes for the code type appears.
In the new record row, complete the fields: Code, Description, Unit, Markup, Tax Rate and CRM Type/Availability.
Ensure you select the relevant tax rate for example, GST Free Supplies (0.00%) at the Tax Rate field. It is recommended that you enter a Markup value of 1.00 (which is required for the importing of disbursement entries).
Click OK to save changes.
(AE) You may need to add a Nominal account in the Nominal Column for this new code type under Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes > Data Entry Codes Available for Company if you don't have any Nominal code defaults set up. See Nominal Code Defaults tab to check if defaults have been established.
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