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Setting up employees to authorise on behalf of other authorisers

Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

Employees who are set up to authorise a bill or timesheet are not always available. To enable bills or timesheets to be processed, you must set up another employee to authorise on their behalf.

The authority is usually set up when you complete Step 8 of the Create Employee Wizard. You can also set up and modify employee authorities outside the wizard using the Employee page > Authorisation tab.

To set up an employee to authorise on behalf of others
  1. Find and open the employee. The Employee page opens on the Main tab by default.
  2. Click the Authorisation tab.
  3. Select the Authorised by option in the View type section. The panel headings change.
  4. Select the Billing option in the Authorisation Type section.
  5. Find and select the employee who this employee will authorise bills on behalf of in the Is Authorised On Behalf Of By panel. Click the ellipse button to find and select an employee from the Find Employees window if they are not listed in the Is Authorised On Behalf Of By panel.
  6. Repeat Step 5. for each employee.
  7. Select the Timesheets option in the Authorisation Type section.
  8. Find and select the employee who this employee will authorise timesheets on behalf of, in the Is Authorised On Behalf Of By panel.
  9. Click the ellipse button to find and select an employee from the Find Employees  window if they are not listed in the Is Authorised On Behalf Of By panel.
  10. Repeat Step 8. for each employee.
  11. Click OK to save the changes.
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