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Submitted purchase invoices

Accountants Enterprise only

The Submitted Purchase Invoices feature enables you to enter supplier invoices to the system. When supplier or creditor invoices have been posted to the general ledger, payments can be allocated against them.

To enter and submit a supplier invoice
  1. Select Bookkeeping > Submitted Purchase Invoices on the main menu. The Submitted and Authorised Invoices window opens.

  2. Double-click on any table heading. The Creditors Invoice window opens.

  3. Select the Company from the drop-down.

  4. Enter the Supplier in the Supplier field or click the ellipse button to search for the supplier in the Find Suppliers window.

  5. Enter a Number, Description and LogRef in the corresponding fields. The LogRef field is for internal reference, e.g., a filing number.

  6. Enter the total amount of the invoice in the Amount field.

  7. Enter the net amount of the invoice transaction in the Net field.

  8. Select the appropriate employee from the Approval Employee drop-down.

  9. In the table section, select the appropriate tax rate from the Tax Rate cell drop-down (if different to the Supplier’s Default Tax Rate). The Tax and Gross fields will then be populated with the relevant amounts.

  10. Click in the Nominal column and select the appropriate account code.

  11. Click on the Submit/Post button. The Invoice Submitted dialogue box opens.

  12. Click OK to complete the procedure.

To authorise and post a supplier invoice
  1. Click Bookkeeping > Submitted Purchase Invoices. The Submitted and Authorised Invoices window opens.

  2. Double-click on the relevant unauthorised invoice, which will possess an AuthStatus of UnSeen. The Purchase Ledger Invoice window opens.

  3. Click on the Authorise button. The Authorise dialog opens, confirming that the Purchase Ledger invoice has been successfully authorised.

  4. Click OK to complete the authorisation.

  5. Click the Post button to post the invoice to the supplier ledger. The Post dialogue box opens.

  6. Click OK. The invoice will disappear from the Purchase Ledger Invoice window and be posted to the supplier’s ledger to end the procedure.

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