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AE/AO/AccountRight hotfix 45909035 for version (AU and NZ)

Release date—6 February 2020

If you've downloaded the install file from my.MYOB, please DO NOT INSTALL IT!

There's a problem with it that we need to resolve. If you've already installed it, don't worry, we have a temporary fix—read the release notes below.

Release notes

If you recently installed the AE/AO/AccountRight online file support hotfix you'll notice an issue where your trial balance figures aren't displayed correctly. Your underlying ledger is still correct.

We updated the connection to AccountRight and an unexpected error occurred. 

To roll-back these changes, you need to install a new hotfix. Once installed, your trial balance will display correctly.

To check if you need to run this update
  1. Navigate to your deploy directory (this will differ depending on your installation):
    • C:\MYOBAE\AESQL\Central\Deploy
    • C:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Central\Deploy.
  2. You need to install the hotfix if the following .dll files match the Date modified below:
Install guide

Read through this install guide before you start installing. It will help you plan the tasks required.

  • Before you install the hotfix:
    • Make sure all users are logged out of all MYOB programs.
    • Ensure you have administrator access to the server where MYOB AE/AO is installed.
    • You must have MYOB AE/AO version installed.
      To check your current version, click Help on the main menu and select About.
To install the hotfix
  1. Go to KB45909035 or contact MYOB support to download the hotfix file and save it to your server location where you installed MYOB AE/AO.

  2. Double-click the executable to start the installation. The Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard window appears.

  3. Select I accept the terms in the licence agreement and click Next.
  4. Click Install. The installation begins.
  5. When you see the Install complete window, click Finish.
  1. To confirm a successful install, navigate to your deploy directory (this will differ depending on your installation):
    • C:\MYOBAE\AESQL\Central\Deploy
    • C:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Central\Deploy.
  2. Check that the following .dll files match the Date modified below:


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