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AE Reports 2020 standalone install guide

Release date—30 June 2020 (Australia)

Tax Reports 2020 Standalone is for clients using AE Tax with an SQL database who do not have Practice Manager.

If you use Practice Manager, follow the install guide for Tax Report Pack 2020.

This guide explains accessing the Tax Reports install file that is bundled with the AE Tax download and is extracted to the same location as the tax install files.


Before you start installing, make sure you:

  • know the name of the SQL server instance where your AE Tax database exists
  • know your administrator login ID and password
  • have the 2020 tax release installed
  • check that your computer meets the system requirements
  • download MYOB AE Tax 6.48 - Reports Pack Standalone - Installer from my.MYOB.

There are two steps to installing Tax Reports 2020 Standalone:

  1. Install on the same server as your SQL database.

  2. Run a workstation installation on each computer that will use Tax Reports 2020 Standalone.

Step 1: Client server and terminal server installation

You must perform this installation on the same computer as your SQL database.

  1. Double-click the downloaded .exe file. The Welcome! window opens.

  2. Click Next to open the Licence Agreement window.

  3. Read the licence agreement. Click Yes to accept the agreement and open the Select SQL Server Instance window.

  4. Select the default SQL server or browse to the required location.

  5. Click Next to open the Administrator Login window.

    If you use SQL Server Authentication, you must enter the login iD and password for the SQL server.

  6. Click Next to open the Practice Manager Database Exists? window.

  7. The default setting is No, Practice Manager does not exist.

  8. Click Next to open the AE Tax Reports Integration window. This identifies the database that provides the tax data used in your reports.

  9. Click Next to open the Choose Destination Directory window.

  10. Accept the default directory, or Browse to another location on the same computer.

  11. Click Next to open the Installation Summary window.

  12. Check that the details in the summary are correct.

  13. Click Next to run the installation.

  14. When complete, the Installation Complete window opens.

  15. Click Finish.

Step 2: Workstation installation

Run a workstation installation on each computer that will use Tax Reports 2020 Standalone.

  1. Browse to where Tax Reports 2020 Standalone is installed.

  2. The default directory for AE Tax is MYOB\setup.

  3. Double-click the downloaded .exe file to start the installation. The Welcome! window opens.

  4. Click Next and the Licence Agreement window opens.

  5. Read the licence agreement and click Yes.

  6. Click Yes. The Select Database Server window opens.

  7. Enter the name of the Database Server or click Browse to navigate to it.

  8. Click Next. The Integration Detected window opens and shows information about database integrations.

  9. Click Next. The Choose Destination Directory window opens.

  10. Accept the default, or click Browse to another location on the same computer.

  11. Click Next. The Installation Summary window opens.

  12. Check that the details in the summary are correct.

  13. Click Next to run the installation. When complete, the Installation Complete window opens.

  14. Click Finish.

  15. Repeat these steps for other computers using Tax Reports 2020 Standalone.

Silent workstation installation for system administrators

A system administrators can use our silent workstation installer to roll out workstation installations across your network.

The following command line executes the silent workstation installation:

AE_Reports_Tax_Workstation.exe /S /P<path to store program files>, <SQL Server>, <Windows Authentication Used?>

For example:

<Network Share>\AE_Reports_Tax_Workstation.exe / S

P=C:\Program Files\MYOB\Smart Reports, SQLINSTANCE\MYOBAE, No

To check if the installation was a success, refer to the installation log in the Tax Reports Standalone directory, for example:

<drive>:\Program Files\MYOB\Tax Reports Standalone\INSTALL

Check the list of tax reports

To access Tax Reports open Contacts and click Reports > AE Reports. The following Tax Reports should display in the TAX 2020 category:

  • Lodgment Report by Partner, Manager or Employee

  • Activity Statement Lodgment Report by Partner

  • Other Tax Forms Lodgment Report

  • Lodgment Summary by Partner

  • Lodgment Summary by Partner or Manager

  • Rental Income Report (ITP)

  • Rental Income Report (CF)

  • Taxable Income Report by Partner and Form Type

  • Occupation Report by Partner

  • Industry Report by Partner

  • Capital Gains Report by Partner and Form Type

  • HECS Debt Outstanding Report by Partner

  • Medicare Levy Surcharge Report by Partner

  • Motor Vehicle Expenses Report by Partner

  • Tax Level Report

  • Performance Analysis

  • Performance analysis by Partner

  • Complete and Not Lodged by Partner

  • Due and not complete by Partner

The AE Reports import export utility

To give clients access to reports over multiple AE Tax databases, we created several databases for Tax Reports. A corresponding database is now available for each AE Tax database. For example, SSR1 for AETAX1 database and SSR2 for AETAX2 database.

You must install the Smart Reports import export utility to access this functionality:

  1. On the installer screen click Browse Folder, then navigate to the AE_Reports folder and locate the downloaded .exe file.

  2. Double-click AE_Reports_ImportExport.exe to run the installation. The Welcome! windows opens.

  3. Click Next to open the Licence Agreement window. Read the licence agreement.

  4. Click Yes to open the Choose Destination Directory window. Accept the default directory, or click Browse to select another location on the same computer.

  5. Click Next to open the Installation Summary window.

  6. Click Next. Wait until the Installation Complete window opens.

  7. Click Finish.

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