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Integrated Release 6.47/8.31 SP4—Prerequisites

General preparations
  1. Check that your computer meets the system requirements.
    If your system setup is not listed, you may experience installation and configuration problems. Software functionality may be limited or give unexpected results.

    If you have a 64-bit version of MS Office installed, to proceed with this installation of MYOB AE you must uninstall MS Office 64-bit and install a 32-bit version.

  2. You must have version AE Tax 6.47 or AE Tax 8.31 installed.
  3. If you have Practice Manager, the minimum version required is 5.4.33.
  4. All workstations running Windows Help must have the appropriate version of WinHlp32.exe installed to view the help topics. See Windows Help Downloads.

  5. Ensure that Opportunistic Locking is disabled. See Opportunistic Locking Checks.

  6. Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only. See Data Execution Prevention Setting.

  7. A minimum of 1.5GB of free hard disk space on the drive you are installing to is required for a full installation of the software and sample data. Allow extra storage space for online data backups.

  8. For server and workstation installations: the software must be installed by a local administrator.

  9. For a single computer installation: the workstation must have the Microsoft Loopback Adapter installed as the MYOB Administration Centre expects to be running on a network. See Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

  10. Take both online and offline backups of your data. See Backing up your data.
  11.  To ensure you have a clean computer environment (there are no system or program files marked as In Use or Read-Only), follow these steps before you start the upgrade:
    1. Close all MYOB applications completely. Check that there aren't any minimised windows on the computer.

      The installation requires the SR DAL process, so don't shut it down.
    2. Reboot your computer.
    3. Ensure all Microsoft Office programs are closed and you open any office applications only after the database upgrade is complete.
    4. Close all other applications, turn off any virus protection and anti-malware software and turn off any screen savers on the computer.
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