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MYOB AE MAS/Accounts Reporter release notes—3.5.3 (Australia)

Release date—11 August 2020

Welcome to the latest version of MYOB AE Reports 3.5.3 for MAS and Accounts.

 This release applies to reporting entities only.

AASB 16 (Leases)

The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) has released a new standard, AASB 16, for the presentation of leases in financial statements.

New chart map folders

We've created the following chart map folders:

  • Balance sheet > Assets > NonCurrent - New folder= RightOfUseAssets
  • Balance sheet > Liabilities > NonCurrent - New folder = LeaseLiabilities
  • Balance sheet > Liabilities > Current - New folder = LeaseLiabilities.

There are no ranges in these folders. You need to move the account code ranges to these folders.

Adoption of AASB16

To enable the adoption of AASB16, go to Non-transactions data > Notes > AccountingStandards > AASB16_Leases_Adoption and select Yes for AASB16_Leases.

This will default back to No for the 2021 year.

Accounting policy change

There's a new accounting policy note. To enable the note:

  • Go to Non-transaction data > Notes > AccountingStandards > AASB16_Leases_Adoption and select Yes for AASB16_Leases.
  • If you're a MAS user, go to Non-transaction data > Notes > ChangeInAccountingPolicy, and type in your details in the paragraph fields for the following sections:
    1. LeasesAASB16 > ImpactOfAdoption. This is for the Impact of Adoption of AASB16 section.
    2. LeasesAASB16 > FinancialStatementImpactAdoptionParagraph. This is for the Financial statement impact of adoption AASB16 section.
    3. LeasesAASB16 > ListBalances. This is for the list of balances.
      1. Enter the amount for OperatingLeaseCommitmentsLY and for DiscountedBorrowingRate.
      2. For the description and amount, enter all other items relating to the leases.
  • If you're an Accounts user, go to Non-transaction data > Notes > ChangeInAccountingPolicy > ChangeGeneral, and type in your details in the paragraph fields for the following sections:
    1. LeasesAASB16 > ImpactOfAdoption. This is for the Impact of Adoption of AASB16 section.
    2. LeasesAASB16 > FinancialStatementImpactAdoptionParagraph. This is for the Financial statement impact of adoption AASB16 section.
    3. LeasesAASB16 > ListBalances. This is for the list of balances.
      1. Enter the amount for OperatingLeaseCommitmentsLY and for DiscountedBorrowingRate.
      2. For the description and amount, enter all other items relating to the leases.
New lease note

We've created some new non-transaction data fields for the Leases note.

We've created a new Leases_AASB16 folder in Non-transaction data > Notes. If applicable, fill in the tables in this folder.

Under the paragraphs table, ConcessionaryLeases is for associations only.
Balance sheet updates

We've added new chart map folders:

  • BalanceSheet > Assets > NonCurrent > RightOfUseAssets. Add/move the relevant account code ranges to this folder.
  • BalanceSheet > Liabilities > Current > LeaseLiabilities. Move the relevant codes to this folder.
  • BalanceSheet > Liabilities > NonCurrent > LeaseLiabilities. Move the relevant codes to this folder.

We've updated the Balance Sheet - Full Compliance Retrospective. This required new non-transaction data fields in OtherReports > ThirdBalanceSheet:

  • Right-of-use assets (Non-current assets)
  • Lease liabilities (Current liabilities)
  • Lease liabilities (Non-current liabilities).

We've updated the following formats to include right-of-use assets and lease liabilities:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Balance Sheet - Full compliance
  • Balance Sheet - Full compliance Retrospective
  • Balance Sheet - Detailed.
Cash Flow Statement changes

We've created the following account group folders for the cashflow statement. Move or add code ranges into these new folders, if required for the cashflow statement:

  • Cashflow > Operating > RightOfUseInterest
  • Cashflow > Operating > ShortTermLeasePayments
  • Cashflow > Financing > LeaseLiabilities.

We've slightly changed the following wording:

  • Net cash used by operating activities' to ‘Net cash provided by/(used) in operating activities
  • Net cash used by investing activities’ to 'Net cash provided by/(used) in investing activities
  • Net cash used by financing activities’ to 'Net cash provided by/(used) in financing activities.
Disaggregation note format changed

The note for Revenue from Contracts - Disaggregation of Revenue will now pick up comparative figures. It was previously only picking up current year figures in 2019.

To check your version number after upgrading to the latest release
  1. In Reporter click Generate Reports.
  2. Click Help and select About MYOB AE Reporter.


    Version number

    AE Reporter (MAS) masters


    AE Reporter (Accounts) masters


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