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MYOB AO 2019.1—Post-installation (Australia)

You need to confirm that the release version is correct on both the server and your workstations after the installation.

See Common tasks for more information on frequent tasks that you may need to perform after the installation of MYOB AO.

Click Help to access the help centre which contains links to online resources, knowledge base articles, getting started and other useful information.

Check your version numbers
  1. Open MYOB AO.

  2. Select Help > About from the menu bar.
    The install version should be 2019.1
    The version number should be

  3. Click the Plugins button to access the version number of individual products.



Version Number

Client Accounting

Corporate Compliance


Document Manager

Practice Manager

Statutory Reporter Formats

Definition version 37

(AU) AO Tax

2019.1 (for a 2019 tax return)

2018.4 (for a 2018 tax return)

(AU) Tax Homepages

Check that Statutory Reporter formats have installed successfully
  1. Open MYOB AO.

  2. Click MaintenanceMaintenance MapClient Accounting > Practice Report Settings. The Practice Report Settings page opens.

  3. Click About on the Tasks bar. The About Statutory Reporter dialog lists the Report Definition version 37.

  4. Click OK. The About Statutory Reporter dialog closes.

If you have Client Accounting...

If you have updated XML mappings for customised CSV imports, you may need to verify and migrate your XML mappings after the upgrade.

Once the upgrade is complete, a number of files are created in your MYOB installation:


File name




This system file contains the MYOB default settings for CSV import. Do not modify this file.

Located in <MYOB directo-ry>\CENTRAL\Deploy.


This file is a new map-ping XML file that contains user-defined XML mappings.

Any values in this file will override the system defaults.

You can modify this file if you wish to add any new mappings or value map sections.

Standalone installation:

<MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates

Combined installation:

AE - C:\MYOBAE\AESQL\Client Accounting Templates

AO - C:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\Client Accounting Templates


This file is a backup of the file previously lo-cated in the CENTRAL\Deploy folder before performing the upgrade.

<MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates

If you made changes to MyobCsvMaps.xml before the upgrade, MYOB will back up this file to the folder <MYOB directory>\CENTRAL\Deploy\Client Accounting Templates.

You can open this file and manually copy over any custom mappings to a new Map in the MyobCsvMaps-User.xml file, which is located in the folder indicated in the table above.

After you have copied your changes, you may delete MyobCsvMaps.xml if you wish. Any future updates should be made in MyobCsvMaps-User.xml.

If you are prompted, you should reboot your computer after completing the installation to avoid any issues using your MYOB software. See What is Enable Linked Connections?  and Open File - Security Warning for more information.

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