MYOB AO 2020.0—Pre-migration from MYOB AO Classic (New Zealand)
Before you can install Accountants Office you need to:
verify that your MYOB AO Classic data does not contain any errors that will cause problems when it migrates to the new MYOB AO database.
take the opportunity to clean out any old client information that you don't need anymore. For example, you may have clients who have retired and no longer require your services. If you close these clients in MYOB AO Classic, they will not migrate to MYOB AO.
decide whether you are going to continue to use Practice Manager in AO Classic, or migrate this data to MYOB AO. If you do not select to migrate Practice Manager during this upgrade:
MYOB AO will be installed without Practice Manager
your practice details, client details, employee details and Tax Manager date will be migrated to MYOB AO
your Practice Manager data will not be available in MYOB AO and you will need to continue to use the Practice Manager module in MYOB AO Classic
you will need to migrate your Practice Manager data at a later time.
To assist you in this task, the pre-migration check has been included in MYOB AO Classic.
When the pre-migration check is completed, the results either:
indicate your data is ready to be migrated, or
report any problems that must be resolved prior to installing MYOB AO.
Before running the pre-migration check you must ensure that you meet the following requirements. If you do not meet the requirements you may encounter errors when running the pre-migration check. See Troubleshooting for help on resolving these problems.
- Check that you have MYOB AO Classic 17.0.0b or a later installed.
Open MYOB AO Classic on the computer where the MYOB AO Classic database is stored. This computer is usually your server if you have more than one computer running MYOB AO Classic. The Pre-Migration check must be run on this computer.
In MYOB AO Classic, run File > Housekeeping > Check Client ID. This will check your database for duplicate and blank client ids. Running this before the pre-migration check may speed up the pre-migration check.
In MYOB AO Classic, clean up the employee records to remove any former employees. This prevents them being migrated to MYOB AO. To do this:
Select Tools > Options. The Settings window appears.
Click the Employees tab.
Click the employee you want to remove.
Go to the Edit menu and choose Remove Employee. See Overview - Deleting and Removing Employees in the AO Classic help for full details.
If you are migrating Tax Manager data to MYOB AO, all your tax clients must have an IRD number. To find any tax clients with no IRD number:
Select Tax Management.
Click the ellipsis next to the client name to open the Select a Client dialog.
Sort by IRD number. All clients listed with no IRD number must either be:
changed to not be a tax client
orgiven an IRD number.
If you are migrating Practice Manager data to MYOB AO, your Debtors Ledger must be in Open Item mode in MYOB AO Classic. If your Debtors Ledger is Balance Forward, you must convert it to Open Item before the migration can proceed.
To do this:Select Tools > Options.
Click the Advanced button.
Scroll to the Debtors section and change Debtors Type to Open Item.
Close and re-open AO Classic to apply this change.
Run the debtors transaction allocation process to ensure that only outstanding debtors transactions are migrated.
Open Debtors.
Select File > Housekeeping > Auto Allocate All Transactions.
Tick the option for Deallocate Transactions First.
Click Start.
Log in to MYOB AO Classic.
Select File > Housekeeping > Pre-Migration check. The Pre-Migration check window opens.
If you do not want to migrate your Practice Manager data at this time, deselect the Validate and migrate your Practice Manager option.
Click Run. The Pre-migration check window opens. As the check runs, progress will be indicated in the top half of the pre-migration check window. As each section of your data is checked, the status is updated to show:
OK — this data has met the minimum requirements and is ready for migration.
Warning — problems have been found in this data, but they will not prevent the data from being migrated. This data has met the minimum requirements and is ready for migration. If you want to, you can view the warnings in the Error Log and correct them as you feel necessary. See Resolving errors for help on resolving these errors.
Error — serious problems have been found in this data. You must resolve these problems before the data can be migrated. See Resolving errors for help on resolving these errors.
When the check is complete, a message appears in the Pre-Migration check window. This message indicates whether or not your data is suitable for migration. There are two possible results:
Pre-migration check completed successfully — This means that your data is suitable for migration and you are able to proceed with the upgrade from MYOB AO Classic to Accountants Division.
Pre-migration check failed. Errors have been detected in the data — This means that your data is not suitable for migration. You will not be able to perform the upgrade from MYOB AO Classic to Accountants Division. You must resolve the errors in the data before upgrading to Accountants Division. See Resolving errors for help on resolving these errors.
When you run the pre-migration check, an error log is produced which details the warnings and errors which have been found with your data.
Click the Error Log button to access a detailed log of all the errors and warnings which have been found with your data. The log will open in Microsoft Excel if you have it installed. If not, it will open in Windows Internet Explorer. The Error Log is sorted so that errors with the data, which must be corrected, are listed at the top of the log.
The log lists:
ID — an identification number for the problem.
Severity — indicates whether the problem is an Error or a Warning. Errors cannot be ignored and must be corrected before you can upgrade to Accountants Division.
Type — whether the problem is with the environment - your computer settings - or in the data.
Category — the area in which the problem has been found.
Summary — a brief description of the error or warning.
Details — more information about the error or warning which will help you to resolve the problem.
Those problems which have a Severity type of Error must be corrected before upgrading to Accountants Division.
Read the Summary and Description of the error. This information will provide details on correcting the error.
Errors identifying clients that have duplicate or missing client IDs, can be fixed by:
Close the pre-migration check window.
Select File > Housekeeping > Check Client Id to run a check and correct your client IDs.
If you require assistance on resolving errors, contact MYOB Support on 0800 94 96 98.
The pre-migration check validates the WIP or Debtors transactions in MYOB AO Classic to ensure that all data is valid for migration to MYOB AO.
For the migration:
WIP recorded against non-chargeable work codes will not be migrated.
A closed client with a WIP or Debtors balance will be migrated as a current client.
A non-client with a WIP or Debtors balance will give an error in the Pre-Migration Check.
Clients with duplicate Client IDs and with WIP or Debtors amount, will give an error in the Pre-Migration Check.
All invoices must be posted before the migration can commence. A draft invoice will give an error in the Pre-Migration Check.
The client or non-client named 'zz Deleted Clients' is not being migrated. Any WIP or Debtors amount against this client is ignored, i.e., not migrated.
All errors must be corrected before the migration can proceed.
The non-client with WIP or Debtors balance, and the clients with duplicate IDs issues can be resolved by running the Check Client ID process, which is run from:
AO Classic > File > Housekeeping > Check Client ID
Issue | Example error messages |
Clients with draft invoices |
Clients with duplicate client ID, and with WIP or Debtors amount |
Contact (non-client) with WIP or Debtors amount |
Clients named 'zz Deleted Clients' are not being converted. |
The pre-migration check validates the Tax Manager data in MYOB AO Classic to ensure that all data is valid for migration to MYOB AO.
All errors must be corrected before the migration can proceed.
For the migration:
The practice default agency is migrated from the Practice Details.
Partners with valid Agent details are migrated as an Agency.
A non-client with Tax Manager data will give an error in the Pre-Migration Check. They will have to be changed to a Client.
Issue | Example error messages |
Tax Agents with duplicate names |
Tax Agent with blank Agency name |
Contact (non-client) with Tax Manager data |
Tax clients with no IRD number have Tax Manager details |
IRD transaction with more than one reconciled transaction |
You may encounter the following problem when running the pre-migration check.
The pre-migration check must be run on the computer where the MYOB AO Classic database is stored. This computer is usually your server if you have more than one computer running MYOB AO Classic. If you see this error it means that you are not logged on to the correct computer.
Log in to the computer with the MYOB AO Classic database and run the pre-migration check.