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Tax guide 2020—AE Tax

Tax returns rollover

If you're using Tax Manager, you no longer need to rollover tax tracking.

We strongly recommend that you rollover your tax returns in bulk. A rollover transfers all 2019 information (except dollar values) of the selected schedule(s) into the 2020 return header.

Read this guide completely before you start your rollover. It will help you plan for the tasks required.

If you need help with your tax returns rollover, contact your client manager on 0800 94 96 99 and ask about our tax year-end service.

For general support, contact the MYOB call centre on 0800 94 96 98 or go to my.MYOB and log a support request.

Check your versions

Make sure you have the following versions or later:


Minimum version

System Release


Central Database


AE Tax Returns System*


AE Tax Homepages




Pre-rollover checks
  • Make sure everyone's logged out of all MYOB programs.
  • Back up the Tax Returns System. For SQL Tax, use SQL Server Management Studio.
To rollover returns
Check your return rollover defaults

The Tax Returns System 2020 can receive an electronic summary of income file from the Inland Revenue (IR).

IR will send the summary of income file to your tax agents mailbox in early May 2020.

The following table lists the return types, the income data that will be in the summary of income file, and the key points to be updated:

Return type 
IR3 Individual return

Summary of income KP11, KP11A, KP11E, family assistance payments from WINZ, and student loan repayment deductions.

Schedular payments KP12A, KP12B.

IR3 Non-resident returnSummary of income KP13A, KP13B and student loan repayment deductions.
IR4 Company returnWithholding payments KP12A, KP12B.
IR6 Trust returnSchedular payments KP15A, KP15B.
IR7 Partnership returnSchedular payments KP10A, KP10B.


Because you can import this information, the rollover settings for the summary of income and the withholding tax options in the Select Schedules Types to Roll window aren't selected by default.

Bulk rollover settings

If you usually roll all tax returns together, and you want to include schedules in the rollover:

  1. Go to Utilities > Rollover Returns.
  2. Tick the return types in the Rollover Options window.
  3. Click each of the schedule buttons to select the schedule types to be rolled over with the returns, as shown below:


The IR10 accounts information schedule isn't ticked by default. This is to ensure the warning will display if you haven't accessed the schedule. If you want to rollover the schedule, you must select it.
The IR833 property sale information schedule isn't ticked by default. This is because you may not want to rollover a one-off property sale.

Individual rollover settings

If you usually rollover tax returns individually (as you process them), and you want to include schedules in the rollover, you'll need to select them.

To rollover in bulk

Before you start the rollover, make sure you've created the 2020 Tax ledger. See Create 2020 tax returns ledger for more information.

  1. Open the Tax Returns System 2020 Ledger

  2. Select Utilities > Rollover Returns.

  3. Accept the defaults and click OK to start the rollover.

  4. On completion, the returns listing includes all returns with a status of rolled. After you've accessed a return, the status changes to active.

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