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Moving from Freeform to Reporter

Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

What is Reporter?

With MYOB AE Reporter, you can quickly and easily produce sophisticated reports for your practice and your clients that draw on your AE MAS ledger data. Reporter enables you to meet statutory reporting requirements with confidence, as MYOB provides an annual compliance update.

AE Reporter is flexible enough for you to customise reports to your requirements and to create reports to meet your clients’ management needs.

How do I check if I already have Reporter?

In an AE MAS ledger, Reporter is installed to your workstation if the menu option ReportsReporter > Generate Reports is available.

How do I determine which version I have installed?

Open Reporter for any ledger, and from the Help menu select About MYOB AE Reporter.

To open Reporter, in an AE MAS ledger click ReportsReporter > Generate Reports.

How do I install Reporter?

To install Reporter, download Reporter version 3.5 from my.MYOB > My productsDownloads > AE Reporter - MAS then follow the steps in the Reporter 3.5 Full Install Guide.

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