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Accessing and printing schedules in a Tax return

This support note applies to:

  • AO Tax (AU)
  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 29347

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise and Accountants Office Tax (MYOB Tax) you may be required to access a schedule or form from within the tax return.  The following instructions will step you through this process.

If you want to know whether a form, schedule or worksheet will be lodged to the ATO this is found in the Select Schedule Type window.  In this window, if a 'Y' is present in the column titled 'Lodgeable?' this schedule will be sent electronically to the ATO when lodging the tax return. 
To access a schedule or form
  1. Follow the menu path: Preparation > Schedule. The Select Schedule Type window opens. 
  2. Highlight the desired schedule and click Select. The schedule appears. 
To print schedules
  1. Open the tax return that you wish to print a schedule for. The Tax return opens.
  2. From the Reports menu Print Schedule. The Print Schedule Options window opens.
  3. Click the ellipsis button [...] next to Form or Schedule. The Schedule window opens.
  4. Highlight the required schedule and click Select. A green tick appears in front of the schedule required to print. Note: If you wish to print multiple schedules, repeat step 4 to highlight all required schedules.
  5. Click OK. The Print Schedule Options windows opens.
  6. Click OK. The Print window opens.
  7. Select the required options and click Preview or Print. The schedule prints. 
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