This article describes the procedure to create a Tax Contact in AE Practice Manager that integrates with Client Compliance and AE Tax.
In order to correctly create a Tax Contact, follow these instructions.
To create the Tax Contact in Compliance Management
At your Windows desktop, click Start and follow the menu path All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > Compliance Management. The Compliance Management screen appears.
Follow the menu path Configure > Tax > Tax Contact Details. The Contacts screen appears.
Click New. The Contact Properties screen appears.
Complete the fields using the table below:
Field Name
Contact code
Compulsory field. Must be unique value.
Default from Control Record
Select if contact name and phone number as the practice default from the control record.
Compulsory field.
Given names
To create the Tax Contact in AE Practice Manager
In AE PM follow the menu path Maintenance > User Defined > Extra Lists. The Extra Lists page appears.
If the list does not include Tax Contact, type Tax Contact in the List Field column on the new record row and press [TAB] twice.
Select the option Contact and click in the Data Type column. A drop-down icon appears in the Data Type column.
Select Text from the drop-down list and press ENTER. The new entry is added to the list.
Locate the newly created Tax Contact in the table and click the [+] symbol directly to the left of the table row. The Value table appears.
Type the Tax Contact code in the first line in the Value column and click OK. The tax contact is added to the list of possible values.
The Tax Contact code must exactly match the code you entered in the Tax Contact details in Compliance Management.
To apply the Tax contact to a client in AE Practice Manager
Open the client and go to the Extra tab.
Locate the Tax Contact field and click in the Value field.
Select the recently created Tax Contact from the drop-down list and click OK. The Tax Contact will now integrate with Client Compliance/AE Tax to the client's tax return.
To check the Tax Contact has been applied to the client's tax return, open the client's AE Tax return and click on the Properties icon. The Return Properties screen appears.
The Properties icon is the hand icon in the top right-hand corner of the tax return.
Click on the Staff tab. The Contact field shows the recently selected Tax Contact code.
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