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Adding Practice Manager reports to Report Favourites

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 34055

To save your commonly used reports as a Report Favourite, you need to determine whether you want to save the report under My Favourites or Practice Favourites Report Sets.

  • If it's a common report that is run on a regular basis that Partners, Managers and administration staff need to have access to, you can save the report in the Practice Favourites Report Sets, providing you have access.
  • If the report is one that only yourself or another employee needs to run, then you would save the report under My Favourites.

For more information on this topic see Report Favourites

When adding a report to My Favourites for a new employee for example, you may find that Add to Favourites is greyed out. This issue is caused by not having a report set for the employee under My Favourites.

To add a report set
  1. In MYOB Practice Manager, select Reports > Favourites. The Report Favourites screen appears.
  2. Highlight My Favourites and in the TASKS bar, select Add report set (4th option down).
  3. The Add Report Set screen appears.
  4. Type in a name for the report set for example, General and click OK.

You should now be able right-click and add reports to My Favourites after you have selected the relevant Report Set

To add a report to your Favourites
  1. In MYOB Practice Manager, click the Reports icon.
  2. Locate your report by selecting the relevant Reporting area and sub-area.
  3. Click the report to highlight it and right-click and select Add to Favourites.
    The Add Report to Report Set window appears.
  4. Either accept the default of My Favourites > Report Set - General or select Practice Favourites and the required Report Set name and click OK.
To run a report from Report Favourites
  1. To check and run your report from Report Favourites, see Running reports from Favourites
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