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Agent details not transferring through on to some Accountants Enterprise Tax returns

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
Article ID: 29219

The following information is only relevant if you use Contacts or Accountants Enterprise (AE) with Compliance Integration to access AE Tax.

To confirm if the AE Tax return has the correct tax agent and tax contact details, from within the AE Tax return click the Properties icon on the toolbar. Click the Staff tab to confirm the Partner, Agent, and Contact details. If these are blank or incorrect you can change this information in the client's profile window, on the Attributes tab.

If the changes made to the client's partner and tax contact do not update in the AE Tax return, then check that the MYOB Administration Centre services are running, and that the <name of database> post process window is running on the database server, where: <name of database> is the name of the AE Tax database.  If these processes are not running, start them, if they are, restart the processes.

The <name of database> post process window was formerly known as the MYOB data processing window in AE Tax 6.27/8.11 SP4 and below.
Perform the following on the server where the AE Tax SQL/MSDE database is located.
To restart the services in the MYOB Administration Centre
  1. At the Windows Desktop follow the menu path: Start > Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > MYOB administration Centre. The MYOB Administration Centre window opens.
  2. Refer to the Installed Streams pane on the right-hand side and note if any of the services are stopped. If any of the services are stopped, select to Restart all services.

    If any service does not start, submit a support request quoting article number 29219
To restart the <name of database> post process window

For one database only

  1. From the MYOB Administration Centre window, as opened above, select the required database, with the Stream: Profiles to AE Tax and follow the menu path:
    Action > Profiles to AE Tax - <name of database> tasks > Start background process - <name of database>. The <name of database> post process window for the selected database opens.

 For multiple databases

  1. If you have more than one database, all the post process windows, one for each database, can be opened by following the menu path:
    Start > Programs >Startup > BackgroundAutoRun. The post process windows appear.


Internal Notes:

Solution based on call log 1842383 

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