MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) and Accountants Office (AO) Tax allows you to prepare amended tax returns.
In Tax years prior to 2011, you can only amend and lodge individual tax returns via ELS. Amendments for Partnership, Trust, Company and Fund returns for these years need to be lodged via paper format.
From 2011 onwards you can amend and lodge all entity type tax returns via ELS.
To amend the tax return
Login to MYOB AE/AO and click on FindClients. The Client list appears.
Double-click on the required client and click Tax Returns tab. List of tax returns available for the client appears.
Select the return and click Amend in the Tasks panel. The Amend 'client code' - Confirm Lodgement Details window appears.
Select the Print Return option if the return was not printed and click OK. The Amend Return: Return details window appear.
This window will show the Client code for the original return and newly created client code for an amendment.
In the Tax returns tab, there are now 2 returns showing. One with a little 'O', for Original with Lodged status. And another return with In Progress status.
Open the return with In Progress status. The Return opens with Amended Individual Return at the heading.
Make the necessary amendments on the return and lodge to the Tax Office.
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