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Assets crashes when generating Additions and Disposals report

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
  • AE Assets (NZ)
Article ID: 38239

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets version when attempting to preview the Additions and Disposals report you may experience that Assets crashes.

This issue occurs after the installation of the 1607 Windows 10 update.

To solve this, it is necessary to change the default printer in Windows, then generate a preview of the report in Assets. Afterwards, you can return the default printer setting to your usual preference and continue using the software normally. This process only needs to be performed once, due to a change made by the Windows update package installation.

How to change the default printer
  1. Click Start button in the lower left corner of your Windows desktop, and select Settings. Clicking "Devices" will bring up the Devices window.
  2. Click on any listed Printer other than your usual one - for example, "Microsoft Print to PDF", and click Set as default.
  3. In AE Assets, generate a preview of your report by selecting Preview on any Report Properties screen.
  4. Close the report preview.
  5. In the Windows Devices window, click on your usual default printer and select Set as Default.


Insert PR# 136450952736



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