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Assets depreciated in AO GL using the Straight Line method (years) showing the rate 0.5 as 6 months in Assets

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets Live (NZ)
  • AE Assets Live (AU)
Article ID: 39158

In MYOB Client Accounting version 5.4.26, after migrating a ledger to Assets from AO Classic Fixed Assets, you may notice assets depreciated using the Straight Line method in AO Classic displays a depreciation rate of 0.5 instead of 6 months in the Taxation tab of Assets.

For example, in AO Classic Fixed Assets where an asset is depreciated at 2.50 using the Straight Line method, after migrating to Assets this rate appears as 2 years and 6 months in the Taxation tab.

We're aware of this issue and we're looking into a solution.

In the meantime to calculate depreciation using the correct rate, double-click the affected asset and change the depreciation method, or year and months to reflect the correct rate.


Insert PR# 154490951910

SR# 154382693331

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