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'Assigned To' filters not being applied in Job Manager Homepage

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 32878

After setting up the job sheet with filters to the person to whom the job is assigned to, when the view is refreshed, not all filtering selections show on the job sheet, when there are jobs assigned to this person.

To filter on the 'Assigned To' field successfully in the Job Manager homepage, it requires the proper set up of Employee Names.

Employees Names should have a First Name and a Last Name and you also need to ensure that there are no spaces left at the end of either of these fields, otherwise the filters will not work.

Once this is done, refresh the Job Manager homepage, but if this is still not picking up the correct details, you will need to re-create the homepage again.


There is a script available to remove spaces from employee names located in X:\Products\Solution6\Viztopia\00 Scripts and Hotfixes\All versions\27479_RemoveSpacesFromEmployeesNames.sql


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If this problem persists, please contact our support.