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Backing up Corporate Compliance data to a network location

This support note applies to:

  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 23819

Corporate Compliance 2.0 introduces a scheduled, automated backup service for the Corporate Compliance database. This system allows you to schedule backups, take an immediate backup, and maintain the backup files.

The Corporate Compliance backup system consists of two components:

  • A backup utility that can be used on the server and client machines. You can set the schedule for backups, take an immediate backup, restore the Corporate Compliance database and maintain the backup file system.

  • A database backup automation service. This service executes the scheduled backups and the tasks requested by the backup utility. This service also performs the routine maintenance of the backup system.

The database backup automation service uses a network logon to access the nominated backup file locations. This service is established with a default logon of 'local system'. This logon only grants this service access to files and folders on the local machine.

If you want to store your backup files on another network location, for example, with your Profiles database, then additional configuration of your server and of the machine that the backups will go to is required.

The backup service is set up so that all backups are made to a local drive, and then moved to the required permanent, or primary backup files location. For the backup service to have access to a primary backup location on another server, a login account with the appropriate permissions and access rights must be set up.

Following are instructions for backing up corporate compliance data to a network location.

Step 1: Set up the database backup automation service account

We recommend that your system administrator create a specific user account for use with the database backup automation service.

We recommend that you set this account up so it has a non-expiring password.

If you do use an account that has a password that expires, you will need to remember to change your database backup automation service login details upon changing this password. If you do not, your Corporate Compliance backups will fail.

 If your Corporate Compliance server is a Windows 2003 Server, there is a pre-defined account that you can use that does not require a password: Refer to the last section of this document titled 'Windows 2003 Special Account 'Network Service'.

Step 2: Set up the login for the database backup automation service
  1. From the Windows Desktop, follow the menu path: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Double-click the Database Backup Automation Service service.
  3. Click the Log On tab.
  4. From the This account option, enter the User Login.
  5. From the Password option, enter the password.
  6. Click OK.
    The following message appears "The new logon name will not take effect until you stop and restart the service".

  7. Locate the Database Backup Automation Service, right-click and select Restart.
    This will stop and start the service.

Step 3: Establish your Corporate Compliance backup folders

The file locations used by the Corporate Compliance backup system are established during the installation of corporate compliance on your server, and later maintained in the Corporate Compliance Utilities window (Corporate Compliance > Backup utility). There are two locations that the system requires:

  • Backup files location. This is the permanent, or primary backup folder. Backup files are moved from the local path to this location.
  • Local paths for backup files. Backup files are initially created on the Corporate Compliance server. This is where these backup files will be placed until the system can move the backup files into the primary backup files location.

The current settings can be viewed in the Corporate Compliance Utilities window (Corporate Compliance > Backup utility).

  1. From the Windows desktop, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > Solution 6 > Corporate Compliance > Backup.
  2. Click the Settings link on the left-hand pane.

Please take note of both the Backup files location and Local path for backup files.

Eg., Local path for backup files = C:\Program Files\Solution 6\Corporate Compliance\CCbackup\Group0

Eg., Backup Files location = c:\Data\CCbackup\Group0

Step 4: Set up permissions on your Corporate Compliance backup folders

You need to ensure that the account used for the database backup automation service has full access to the local backup path and the backup files location.

Local path for backup files 

Set up the Security permissions on this folder.

  1. At the Windows Desktop from the Start menu, select Run.
    In the Open field, type in your Local path for backup, for example, C:\Program Files\Solution 6\Corporate Compliance\CCbackup\Group0 and then click OK.
  2. From the left panel, right-click Group0 folder.
  3. Click Security.
  4. Locate the User logon account setup for the Database Backup Automation Service eg.

Ensure that all the permissions are selected, so that this account has full access to this folder. You need to ensure this user account has permission to read, write, create and delete files and folders.


Backup files location 

Ensure that the user logon account set up for the Database Backup Automation Service has full access to this location.

The first step is to set up security permissions on this folder as per the instructions above for the local backup path.

The second step is to set up the share permissions to the folder.


Share permissions

You need to establish the share permissions on the machine where your Corporate Compliance backups are to go so that the Database Automation Service has full access to this backup files location.

For example:

  • Your server that you want to keep the Corporate Compliance backup files on is RDPC1092.
  • The location of the backups on this machine will be Q:\Data\Solution6\CCbackup
  • The folder Q:\Data\Solution6 is already shared out to all users, or is the one you intend to share out to all users.


  1. At the Windows Desktop from the Start menu, select Run.
  2. In the Open field, type in the folder name you intend to share, eg. Q:\Data\Solution6.
  3. From the left panel, right-click the Group0 folder and select Properties.
  4. Click the Sharing tab.
  5. From the Share this folder field, type in Solution 6.
  6. Click Permissions.
  7. Select Add.
    Add the user logon account set up for the Database Backup Service and grant Full Control.
Step 5: Set up / validate the backup folders in the Corporate Compliance Backup Utility

You need to ensure that the directories to be used by the backup are set up correctly in the Corporate Compliance Backup utility.

  1. From the Windows desktop, follow the menu path: Start > Programs > Solution 6 > Corporate Compliance > Backup.
  2. Click the Settings link on the left-hand pane.
    Check the backup file location and local path for backup files are correct.

  3. Click Verify.

    The system will check that the backup file location and the local path for backup files are accessible to the database backup automation service.
    If the database backup automation service account has the correct level of access to both folders, the following message is displayed: "The backup files location and local path for backup files have been validated successfully. Any new backup files located in the backup files location will now be registered".

  4. Where the backup file location and local path for backup files are not correct, click Change.
  5. From either location, click the ellipses button [...] and change, and then click OK.
    The system checks that the database backup automation service has the correct level of access to the local backup path and the backup files location.

    If the database backup automation service account has the correct level of access to both folders, the following confirmation message is displayed: "The backup files location and local path for backup files have been validated successfully. Any new backup files located in the backup files location will now be register".

Validation Errors

If the database backup automation service account does not have access to the backup files location and does not have permission to create, delete, read and modify files and folders in this location, the following message will be displayed: "The database backup automation service cannot access the backup path. Ensure that you have setup the database backup automation service correctly and that this folder is accessible. Contact Support for further assistance".

If you receive this message, check that:

  • Your database backup automation service is set up correctly. Stop and start the service to ensure the login account is being used.
  • Check the backup files location as displayed is accessible to the database backup automation service account and that this account has permission to create, modify and delete files and folders. Check your share permissions AND your security settings on the folder.

    If you grant this account full access on the Security tab, but the Share tab is restricted to read only, this account will be restricted to just read access. The most restrictive permission setting takes precedence.

  • If the database backup automation service account does not have access to the local path for backup files and does not have permission to create, delete, read and modify files and folders in this location, the following message will be displayed: "The database backup automation service cannot access the local path for backup files. Ensure that you have set up the database backup automation service correctly and that this folder is accessible. Contact Support for further assistance."
  • Your database backup automation service is set up correctly. Stop and start the service to ensure the login account is being used.
  • Check the backup files location as displayed is accessible to the database backup automation service account and that this account has permission to create, modify and delete files and folders.
Changing backup file locations

Where you need to use a different backup files location or a different local path than what is specified, you will need to set create the folders and set the permissions as per Step 4 prior to entering the required new folders in the Corporate Compliance Backup Utility as per step 5.

Windows 2003 Special Account "Network Service"

There is a predefined account that is provided on the latest operating systems i.e. Windows 2003 Server, and Windows XP SP2 that can be used for services that need to communicate across networks.

This account is called Network Service. This account does not have a password.

"The Network Service account is a predefined local account. It has minimum privileges on the local computer and acts as the computer on the network. The name of the account in all locales is NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService. This account does not have a password."

Refer to Microsoft help for more information:


You can only use this account if the machine you are backing up to is a Windows 2003 Server or workstation with Windows XP SP2 or above, and is on the same domain as your Corporate Compliance server.


To use this special service enter the account NT Authority\NetworkService, with no password set.

  1. From the Windows Desktop follow the menu path: Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Double-click the Database Backup Automation service.
  3. You then need to grant the account 'Network Service' full permission to your backup files location and your local path for backup files, as per the instructions in this article.

  4. Click OK.
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