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Backing up General Ledger data in AO Classic

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 25246
To backup the general ledger
  1. Within the client's general ledger, go to the General Ledger menu and select Backup Ledger Data. The Backing up Ledger"s Data files window appears.
  2. If the Default settings are correct, click OK. The message 'Do you wish to continue backing up to this disk' appears. Skip to step 6.

    You can change the ledger backup name. Previously, the backup was called The new default name is listed as: MYOBGLBackup-LedgerName(FYXX) 20061025143746.ZIP

     LedgerName is your clients ledger name;
     (FYXX) is the financial year of the ledge; and
     20061025143746 is the current time stamp,

    for example, the year is 2006;
    the month is 10;
    the day is 25; and
    the time is 14:37 and 46 seconds.

  3. To change the location of the backup, click the ellipsis button [...]. The Browse for window appears
  4. Select the location to backup the file and click OK The Backing up Ledger's Data files window appears.
  5. To change the name of the backup file, type the new file name or click the ellipsis button [...] and select the name of the file. The new name of the backup file appears.

    The Backup format will default to MYOB Zip File format. It is recommended you use this format to back up the ledger.

  6. Click YES. The message 'Backup Completed successfully' appears.
  7. Click OK. The Backing up Ledger's Data files window disappears and returns to your General Ledger window.
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