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Balance Sheet is out of balance in AE Accounts

This support note applies to:

  • AE Reporter (AU)
  • AE Accounts (AU)
Article ID: 30415

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Reporter (AE Reporter) when running any Balance Sheet report using AE Reporter in an Accounts ledger, if the Balance Sheet is out of balance, there are a number of tasks you can perform to check and rectify the issue.

1. Verify the ledger
  1. Open the general ledger and from the Tools menu, choose Verify Ledger.
  2. In the Accounts - Verify Ledger Wizard, select Make a Backup Now then click Next, and then Next again.
  3. If prompted, allocate the profit to each beneficiary or partner then press ENTER to move to the next partner or beneficiary. The message "$X allocated. Are you sure?" appears.

    This step appears depending on your entity type. If profit is not required to be distributed, you can skip this step by pressing ENTER for all beneficiaries or partners.

  4. Press the Y key on the keyboard. The ledger is verified and if applicable, profit is distributed automatically.

  5. Click Finish to close the window and check the Balance Sheet report to confirm the balance sheet is now in balance.
2. Remove Linked accounts

You use linked accounts when you have values that can be either debit or credit. The Linked Accounts screen is where you establish the link between the debit account and the credit account. When using AE Reporter, there is a conflict with using Linked Accounts and printing using sub-accounts which can result in the Balance Sheet being out of balance. To eliminate this issue remove all Linked Accounts, leaving only the Bank Accounts.

  1. Follow the menu path: Reports > Report Setup > Linked Accounts.
  2. Focus on the relevant Linked Accounts and press D. Repeat for each linked account.
  3. Close the Linked Accounts window.

Check the Balance Sheet report to confirm the balance sheet is now in balance.

3. Remove the roundoff code

If you are producing rounded reports, check if the same problem occurs when rounding is not applied. If the report showing the actual values is correct you may need to remove the Roundoff Code.

  1. Follow the menu path: File > Properties > General.
  2. Press Enter to position the cursor at the RoundoffCode field and press Delete to remove the roundoff code.
  3. Press Enter to move to the next field then Close the General window.

Check the Balance Sheet report to confirm the balance sheet is now in balance.

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