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Bringing in Checked out documents from another machine

This support note applies to:

  • AO Document Manager (AU)
  • AO Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (NZ)
  • AE Document Manager (AU)
Article ID: 38546

In MYOB Document Manager(AO/AE) you may find you have documents checked out on another machine and need to check these in. 

In order to get the files checked back in and not lose updated work you will need to get the files off the affected PC.

To find location of the file on the affected machine
  1. Note the checked out location on the files in question.
  2. Go the affected PC, navigate to the location of the file and copy the checked out files
  3. Paste the files in a temporary location on your network. (Make a temporary folder if required - this can be deleted later.) 

Then, on a working machine, the user will need to import a new versions and clear the checked out flag

To import the new version
  1. Open their My Checked Out Documents homepage
  2. Note down the reference number and right click on one of the file checked out files
  3. Select Versions
  4. Click on Import in the Task bar
  5. Use the ellipse button to browse to the temp folder where the files have been copied to and select the file with the same reference number, then click OK
  6. A new version of the document will appear. Highlight the original document with the Red Tick and right click and select Undo Checkout

You have now imported the updated version of this document and cleared the checked out flag.  The above process will need to be done for all documents left checked out of the affected PC.

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