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Changing a partner code in bulk

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)
Article ID: 33021

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Tax (AE Tax) you assign partner codes to clients/contacts/returns. 

To change the partner code for everyone with a particular code, perform the following steps.

Before you begin

It is imperative to back up your tax data prior to performing these steps.

Change the partner code

To create the update template
  1. From within the Tax Tracking System (TTS), from the Utilities menu select Automatic returns update. The Update Returns Template window opens.
  2. Click New. The Add/Edit Returns Update window opens.
  3. Enter the relevant information in the Code and Description fields. The information is entered.
  4. Click the [...] ellipses button on the next Code field and select the A106 partner code. The partner code field is added.
  5. Enter the new partner code in the Value field. The partner code is added.

    This is the partner code you are changing to. 

  6. Click the Selection button. The Select Returns By window opens.
  7. Select Return Summary. The Return Summary Selection window opens.
  8. Click Edit and select the A106Partner code in the Code field. The partner code is selected.
  9. Press Tab to the Mask field and enter the former partner code.

    This is the partner code you are replacing.

  10. Add any other filters you desire such as year or range of clients then click OK. The template update is complete.
  11. Click OK twice. The Update Returns Template window displays.

To run the update template
  1. Double click on the template you have created. The Record Selection Window opens.
  2. Click OK. The message Do you wish to Proceed with returns update? appears.
  3. Click Yes. The process runs.

    Depending on how many records you have this may take some time to complete.
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