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Changing my bill numbers to a new range

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)

  • AE Practice Manager (AU)

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)

  • AO Practice Manager (AU)

Article ID: 33630

At some stage you may need to change your bill numbers to a different or new range.

For AE sites, to determine what method has been used to set up your invoice numbers, you will need to check the configuration.

AE Bill Sequencing can be used where you have multiple billing companies and want separate invoice numbers issued per company. It isn't necessary to set up Bill Sequencing where you have only 1 company set up in your database.

Automatic bill numbers are generated when the bill is posted.

If you are using Bill sequencing

To change your bill numbers
  1. Select Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Bill Sequencing

  2. In the Range Start field, enter the invoice number you would like to start your new sequence with. Press Tab.

  3. In the Range End , enter the invoice number you would like this sequence to end with and press Tab and click OK.

  4. Close and re-open AE for the changes to take effect.

You cannot edit the Next in sequence field, this field will update once you have posted your next invoice.

For AO sites and AE sites that don't use Bill sequencing


To change your bill numbers or enter a one-off bill number
  1. When creating your next bill, type in the new invoice number at Stage One of the Billing Wizard in the Invoice Number field. When you click Post to post this bill a message appears:
    You have entered a User-Defined Invoice No.
    Would you like to Re-Set the Auto-Counter from here on?

  2. If the automatic bill numbering is to start again from this new number answer YES.

  3. If this is one off bill number and you don't want to start the automatic bill numbering from this new number answer NO.

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