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Changing the Electronic Lodgement Path used for Internet lodgement

This support note applies to:

  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 30447

Corporate Compliance 2.0 provides a utility that can be used to change the electronic lodgement path. The electronic lodgement path is the location that is used to store all files sent to and received from the ASIC during an Internet lodgement session. Following is information regarding how to change your Electronic Lodgement path.

Selecting an appropriate electronic lodgement path

The default electronic lodgement path for Profiles/Viztopia users is the location of the Profiles database that integrates with Corporate Compliance.

You need to ensure that this path is accessible to all machines from which you intend to lodge and is not on a Novell server. You need to ensure that all Corporate Compliance users have read, write and delete permission to this location.

For example, if the electronic lodgement path is on a local drive of the server, you need share this location, giving all Corporate Compliance users read, write and delete permission and use this path as the electronic lodgement path.

e.g. \\WS-SERVERNAME\DATA\CEEDATA instead of c:\data\ceedata

To change Electronic Lodgement Path from Corporate Compliance Utilities
This setting is only available from the Corporate Compliance Server.
  1. Follow the menu path Start > Programs > Solution 6 > Corporate Compliance > Utilities. The Corporate Compliance Utilities window appears.
  2. From the left panel, click Settings. The Database Reference window appears.
  3. Click Electronic lodgement path. The Electronic Lodgement settings window appears.
  4. Click Change. The Change electronic lodgement settings window appears.
  5. Type in the new location or click the ellipsis button to browse to the location and click OK. The new location is displayed on the Electronic lodgement settings pane. You have successfully changed the Electronic Lodgement Path within the Corporate Compliance Utilities module.
  6. Close the Corporate Compliance Utilities window. The window closes.

The folders that will be created in the new location are: Archive, docqueue, Inbound, inqueue, Outbound, outqueue.

  • The Archive folder is used to store the session logs that are created during each Internet lodgement session.
  • The Inbound folder is used to store the files received from the ASIC after they have been processed.
  • The Outbound folder is used to store the files sent to the ASIC after they have been transmitted.
  • Inqueue, docqueue and outqueue are used to temporarily store files as they are sent to and received from the ASIC.
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