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Changing the login password for a user in AO Classic

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic Tax (AU)
  • AO Classic Practice Management (AU)
  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 29796

In MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Classic, if you forget your password to log in, you can update the password through AO by logging in with an administrator username (Default User).

To change the logon password of a user log on as the Default User and then follow the menu path: Tools > Security > Change Password.

How to change the logon password
  1. Start Accountants Office. The Logon window appears.
  2. Select Default User from the Username drop-down list, type the password in the Password field and click OK. The desktop of Accountants Office appears.
  3. Follow the menu path: Tools > Security > Change Password. The Change Password window appears.
  4. Select the name of the user that you want to change the password for from the Select User drop-down list. The name of the user appears in the Select User field.
  5. Type the required password in the Enter New Password field and then type the same password in the Confirm New Password field and then click OK. The desktop of Accountants Office appears and the password is changed.

If you do not want a logon password to apply, leave both of the fields blank and then click OK.



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